Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Singing in the Shower?

While many people out there use their shower time as an opportunity to perform their favorite hits to all those within earshot, I've never been one to take part in this ritual. (I can't help but mention the famous vocals of my brother Steve, who does in fact fall into this category of individuals.)

No, I don't sing in the shower. Apparently, however, I do take the time to talk to myself about taxes, which became evident during my 4AM shower today. (No, I was not just getting an early start to the day.)

I know this only reveals one thing about me, which happens to rhyme with the word herd.


Annee said...

You mean you are finally a nerd?!!

sarah said...

Welcome Christine, there will be a club social this June at the beach.

johnzackrison said...

What were you saying about taxes in the shower? That's what I want to know. But I must say that you do a very amazing job hiding your nerd-dom. And of course, we all remember who rules the world! DAD